1625 N Milwaukee
2,266 Square feet
The property is located at 1625 N. Milwaukee Ave, in the Bucktown/Wicker Park neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois. It is located on the east side of North Milwaukee Ave, just north of the busy six corner intersection of North, Damen and Milwaukee Ave. The site currently contains a 4,800 square foot, two (2) story, mixed use commercial/residential building. The property is zoned C1-2. The ground floor is leased to Dentologie. www.dentologie.com
The Property is located in Bucktown, one of the most desirable commercial areas in the City of Chicago. The densely developed commercial area includes many national and international boutique retailers. 1625 N Milwaukee is surrounded by mixed use type developments with many new and recently renovated projects. Just to the south is the new flagship Walgreens store and across the street is The Robey, a boutique hotel. The Damen Avenue CTA Blue Line stop is just ½ block south. The 606 elevated recreation trail is just 2 blocks away.
This particular section of Milwaukee Avenues is experiencing considerable redevelopment in the neighborhood. This section has a good mix of food and beverage, fitness, services and retail tenants on the ground floor with a mix of residential and commercial uses on the upper floors.